
Markins Plate
When you click on the brand, you will see the plate number list what adapt to camera or lens.
* If it is not in the model number table please contact us from here
9,200  8,040 
Markins PC-R1 is an anti-twist style custom camera plate for Canon EOS R camera. It can be converted to an L-Plate(L-bracket) with optional sub plate...

9,200  8,040 
Optional LC-R1 for PC-R1 to convert it to L-Plate(L-Bracket) *Requires PC-R1 camera plate Compatible with any Arca-Swiss type...

14,400  12,570 
Markins LN-22 is a replacement lens foot for Nikon. It has Arca-Swiss compatible style dovetail. Compatible with any Arca-Swiss type...

25,000  21,810 
Markins LC-R1G SET is an L-Plate(L-bracket) for Canon EOS R with BG-E22 battery grip ( for camera body: Plate PC-R1 / Sub Plate LC-R1 or...

33,000  28,800 
Markins 'Ring Plate' is product to minimize the effect of vibration while shooting and to provide better results with a long teleport lens. It...

32,000  27,920 
Markins 'Ring Plate' is product to minimize the effect of vibration while shooting and to provide better results with a long teleport lens. It...

8,000  6,990 
Markins PF-100 is an anti-twist style custom camera plate for FUJIFILM GFX100 camera. It can be converted to an L-Plate(L-bracket) with optional sub...

17,800  15,530 
Optional LF-100 for PF-100 to convert it to L-Plate(L-Bracket) *Requires PF-100 camera plate Compatible with any Arca-Swiss type...

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